Course Content
This topic is covered in study session 18 of the material provided by the Institute. After reading this chapter, a student shall be able to: a. describe the portfolio approach to investing; b. describe the steps in the portfolio management process; c. describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each; d. describe defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans; e. describe aspects of the asset management industry; f. describe mutual funds and compare them with other pooled investment products.
This topic is covered in study session 18 of the material provided by the institute. After reading this chapter, a student shall be able to: a. calculate and interpret major return measures and describe their appropriate uses; b. compare the money-weighted and time-weighted rates of return and evaluate the performance of portfolios based on these measures; c. describe characteristics of the major asset classes that investors consider in forming portfolios; d. calculate and interpret the mean, variance, and covariance (or correlation) of asset returns based on historical data; e. explain risk aversion and its implications for portfolio selection; f. calculate and interpret portfolio standard deviation; g. describe the effect on a portfolio’s risk of investing in assets that are less than perfectly correlated; h. describe and interpret the minimum-variance and efficient frontiers of risky assets and the global minimum-variance portfolio; i. explain the selection of an optimal portfolio, given an investor’s utility (or risk aversion) and the capital allocation line.
This topic is covered in study session 18 of the material provided by the institute. After reading this chapter, a student shall be able to: a. describe the implications of combining a risk-free asset with a portfolio of risky assets; b. explain the capital allocation line (CAL) and the capital market line (CML); c. explain systematic and nonsystematic risk, including why an investor should not expect to receive an additional return for bearing nonsystematic risk; d. explain return-generating models (including the market model) and their uses; e. calculate and interpret beta; f. explain the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), including its assumptions, and the security market line (SML); g. calculate and interpret the expected return of an asset using the CAPM; h. describe and demonstrate applications of the CAPM and the SML. i. calculate and interpret the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, M2, and Jensen’s alpha.
This topic is covered in study session 19 of the material provided by the institute. After reading this chapter, a student shall be able to: a. describe the reasons for a written investment policy statement (IPS); b. describe the major components of an IPS; c. describe risk and return objectives and how they may be developed for a client; d. distinguish between the willingness and the ability (capacity) to take risk in analyzing an investor’s financial risk tolerance; e. describe the investment constraints of liquidity, time horizon, tax concerns, legal and regulatory factors, and unique circumstances and their implications for the choice of portfolio assets; f. explain the specification of asset classes in relation to asset allocation; g. describe the principles of portfolio construction and the role of asset allocation in relation to the IPS. h. describe how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations may be integrated into portfolio planning and construction.
This topic is covered in study session 19 of the material provided by the institute. After reading this chapter, a student shall be able to: a. define risk management; b. describe features of a risk management framework; c. define risk governance and describe elements of effective risk governance; d. explain how risk tolerance affects risk management; e. describe risk budgeting and its role in risk governance; f. identify financial and non-financial sources of risk and describe how they may interact; g. describe methods for measuring and modifying risk exposures and factors to consider in choosing among the methods.
This topic is covered in study session 19 of the material provided by the institute. After reading this chapter, a student shall be able to: a. explain principles of technical analysis, its applications, and its underlying assumptions; b. describe the construction of different types of technical analysis charts and interpret them; c. explain uses of trend, support, resistance lines, and change in polarity; d. describe common chart patterns; e. describe common technical analysis indicators (price-based, momentum oscillators, sentiment, and flow of funds); f. explain how technical analysts use cycles; g. describe the key tenets of Elliott Wave Theory and the importance of Fibonacci numbers; h. describe intermarket analysis as it relates to technical analysis and asset allocation.
Portfolio Management
About Lesson

LOS D requires us to:

explain return generating models (including the market model) and their uses



As per what we have discussed so far:

a.  the non-systematic risk can be avoided, and therefore it is no rewarded;

b.  the securities are priced to reward systematic risks only; and

c.  securities with more systematic risk should offer a higher return.

Constructing an Optimal Portfolio

a.  If we were to construct the market portfolio, we would have to consider all the available assets that are investible and tradable.

b.  So for ease, let us consider an index with 1000 assets of it, as our market portfolio, we would be required to determine the return on our portfolio and variance on it. This would basically require 1000 return estimates, 1000 estimates for standard deviation, and 499,500 (i.e. 1000*999/ 2) correlation coefficients.

c.  So, as an alternative we can begin with a known portfolio, i.e. an equity index such as S&P 500:

i.  We can measure its expected return (E(Rm)) and its risk (σ2) using the historical data. (The variance of market portfolio acts as the benchmark for systematic risk).

ii.  We then compare the returns on the securities (Ri) with the market return (Rm) using a linear regression model.

iii.  The security’s systematic risk can be calculated using the following formula:

So, if the investor gets rewarded for the systematic risk only, this way we can determine what the expected would be.

Multi-Factor Model

a.  It is a model that can help in providing an estimate of the expected return on a security.

b.  A multi-factor model, based on past data, identifies the major factors that impact the risk and return of a security. Such factors could be macroeconomic (such as growth, interest rates, etc.), fundamental factors (such as earnings, cash flows, etc.), statistical factors, etc.

c.  We can develop a model, that gives us the expected return, as follows:

Expected Return Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

d.  We can write the above equation as
Expected Return Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

e.  We can add one more factor that does impact the return on a security, i.e. the excess market return. After the inclusion of this factor, the model would look like this:

excess market return Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

In regression, the inclusion of [E(Rm) – rf] will absorb the variance from other factors.

Single-Factor Model

a.  In the previous model, we had multiple factors that affected the returns on security, to start with. Then, we’d put the first factor that most importantly affected the return on the securities, i.e. excess market return.

b.  So when we put the market return as a factor, the other factors are not that important anymore. So, in order to keep the model simple, we drop out the other factors that affect the return.

c.  So, a single-factor return generating model would look like this:

E(Ri) – rf = ꞵi [E(Rm) – rf]

This is also the equation for the Capital asset Pricing Model or CAPM.

d.  We can also write this linear equation in terms of expected return as a function of market return and a risk-free rate:

E(Ri) = rf + ꞵi [E(Rm) – rf]

e.  We have seen the equation of the capital market line above, which is:

Single Index Model Derivation Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

In the above equation, if we replace the Rp with Ri, because here our asset only constitutes the portfolio. And rearrange the equation, as follows:

Single Index Model Derivation Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

If we compare this equation with the first equation of the single-index model, we can infer that:

Beta of the security Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes
Therefore, a beta of a security is nothing but the total security risk divided by the total market risk.

f.  Now, the total security risk is made up of two components, i.e. systematic and non-systematic risk. Thus:

systematic and non-systematic risk Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

But, we have learned above that investors don’t get rewarded for the non-systematic risk. Thus,

systematic and non-systematic risk Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes
But, we know that security systematic risk is some function of beta and total market risk. Therefore:

Beta Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes
This is the other way of proving that the single-index return generating model is consistent with the CML model.

g.   Now that we have got the equation for the single-index model, which is:
We can rearrange this equation as follows:

single-index model Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

We can rearrange this equation as follows:

Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes

Now, we move from the expected to the actual values, and term rf (1 – ꞵ) as α. The equation for the market model would thus be:

Portfolio Management CFA level 1 Study Notes
α and β can be estimated using the historical security market returns.


Suppose there is a security, A, and an index M, whose historical data shows an α of 0.0001 and β of 0.9.

Therefore the equation of the single index model of the security would be:

RA = 0.0001 + 0.09 Rm + ɛA

Now, if during a particular day the return on the security and the index were 1% and 2% respectively. Then the return on security due to the non-systematic risk would be:
=0.02 – (α + βRm) = 0.02 – (0.0001+ 0.9*0.01)
= 0.0109 or 1.09%.